"Incredible banjo and vocals make this local youngster a treat for the ears."- Rapid City Journal"Crazy Mountain Billies are just crazy, man. Crazy …"- Portland Weekly Volcano"The one man Line-up works for his brand of bluegrass; instead of monotonous jamming his songs overflow with real melodies on multiple instruments.
His unique vocals also are worthy of praise."- Big Western Flavor“… the one-man-band better known as Crazy Mountain Billies, is a force of nature on the banjo!” - Rapid City Cultural Trends ExaminerCrazy Mountain Billies is the alias used by multi-instrumental musician and producer A.
P. Bormes to describe the sound of a full ensemble that is created by the solo performer in the studio. The C.M.B. sound utilizes acoustic folk insturmentation with elements of mountain bluegrass musical style at its foundation, and then takes it out of that dimension entirely.
"I can say with absolute certainty that I have rarely heard anything quite like the Crazy Mountain Billies… the playing is exceptional from this multi-talented multi-instrumentalist… all of the elements of Bluegrass, but without being classifiable as being part of that genre…"-American Roots UK.
Crazy Mountain Billies was established in Montana, and now resides in Colorado.Currently the artist is performing live and arranging new songs for a planned upcoming double album release.All of the C.
M.B. material is self-recorded, produced, written, performed, mixed, etc… The instruments used include: 5 and 6 string banjo, 5 string bass, acoustic guitar, mandolin, slide guitar, classical guitar, autoharp, jaw-harp, harmonica, tin whistle, washboard, vibraslap, shakers, cabassa, tambourines etc… After departing Hollywood, CA and finishing audio engineering school in 2008-2009, A.
P. Bormes crossed country to Montana and a recording studio was temporarily established to track the first two albums- a double release: "Don't Move Or I'll Shoot/Badlands" inspired by the rugged terrain and lifestyle of the midwest and Rocky Mountain backcountry.
Shortly thereafter ''Badlands II" was also recorded and then released August 1, 2010. Then A.P. Bormes went down to the Black Hills of South Dakota and recorded ''Badlands III'' inside a remote log cabin and released the record April 15, 2011.
C.M.B. spent the remainder of the year touring the Western U.S. and eventually went back into the studio to record the album ''Hit Like A Hammer" (released May 31,2012) as well as "Burn Down The Mountain" (released Nov.
22, 2012). Several music videos were also shot and released during this period.