Add to FavoritesBand Members
- Marios Iliopoulos
- Anders Hammer
- Ronnie Nyman
- Magnus Söderman
- Lawrence Dinamarca
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Born June 1, 2000Genre Melodic Death Metal http://www.nightrage.com/MembersMarios Iliopoulos - GuitarAnders Hammer - Bass.Ronnie Nyman-vocalsNR are proudly endorsed by:Diago Pedalboardshttp://www.diago.
co.uk/Line 6 wireless systems http://line6.com/relay/Maxon pedalshttp://www.godlyke.com/maxon-guitar-effects/maxon-resissue-series-effectsToontrack Digital drums http://www.toontrack.com/Seymour Duncan pickups http://www.
seymourduncan.com/Elixir strings http://www.elixirstrings.com/ESP Guitars http://www.espguitars.com/home.htmlProvidence cables and pedals http://www.providence-ltd.com/Presonus Studioone version 2, http://studioone.
presonus.com/ Dunlop Picks http://www.jimdunlop.com/Orange Amps http://www.orangeamps.com/BBE pedals http://www.bbesound.com/Motorhead Phones http://www.motorheadphones.com/enMetal Mulisha http://www.metalmulisha.
com/BIo: Nightrage is back once again! This time with full force and their sixth album to date named ”The Puritan” A lot has happened since the previous album. New recording studio, Dug Out Productions.
New label, Despotz Records. New artwork by Mirfin. And a new fresh breath of air in the Nightrage machinery. This is a band that knows how to survive trends while combining the old with the new, making a killer combo without forgetting their roots or where they came from.
”The Puritan” is an uncompromising eerie dramatic and melodic death metal journey in it´s purest essence. 11 tracks with great hooks and the biggest sound that you ever heard from these melodic death metal legends, trends come and go but Nightrage knows how to always deliver music that reflects their burning souls.
Welcome Ronnie Nyman from the mighty hardcore metal band ”Always War” as the new singer and frontman of Nightrage! Ronnie who claimed his right to the position with his over the top stage persona, his cool character and amazing vocal skills during the Japanese and Russian tours last year, now brings a new fresh approach to the Nightrage signature sound, along side with Anders Hammer who releases his signature thunderous monster bass mayhem on the album once again.
The teamwork between Marios and Ronnie writing music and lyrics together, works in a perfect way and it is unmistakably amazing, this is the first time for Marios and Nightrage, finding such an amazing frontman that truly burns for his craft and believes in the band.
Songs Like The title track: ”The Puritan” and ”Kiss Of A Sycophant” brings that pure metal kick in the balls that many bands tend to forget about today. Songs full of metallic energy, fast and frenetic riffing and super melodic guitar lines and expressive solos, all performed by main-man and guitar shogun Marios Iliopoulos.
Showcasing his great devotion and focus bleeding his beloved music for us without hesitation.”The Puritan” has a wide array of dynamics. Everything from thrash and black metal riffing, screaming vocals, big choruses and great vocal hooks, to 12 string acoustic guitar passages, twin guitar melodic lines in the style of Thin Lizzy and Iron Maiden as well as emotional solos.
Listen to the Instrumental song Lone Lake, providing a deeper look into the more laid-back range of dynamics of Nightrage, showing a more melodramatic side of the band.The production from recording-guru Daniel Bergstrand (Meshuggah, Inflames, Dimmu Borgir, Devin Townsend, Evergrey, Soilwork) and George Nerantzis from Dug Out Productions Studios in Uppsala, it is truly breathtaking and really brings up all the best elements that characterize the Nightrage sound.
In addition to all this, once again a songwriting collaboration between Nightrage and Marios blood brother and old time friend, Gus G from (Firewind and Ozzy Osbourne band) on ”When Gold Turns To Rust”, that brings together the old with the new and deliver yet again a classic Nightrage anthem.
This time the songs are shorter and more simplistic, and the lyrics are deep and very esoteric, dealing with the rotten core of the human race and the rough reality that we have to face every day. They are based on stories that everyone can relate too in this sick world that we are living in, a world where the quest for power, money, control, and status make us humans turn into monsters.
But if there is a light at the end of this tunnel, then Nightrage will strive towards that light!If you find no other reason to keep on fighting, then Nightrage will be there to show you that integrity, the will to change and a firm belief in metal might not save our world, but it may breath new life into a tired soul slowly fading away and a staggering metal scene in need.
That is Nightrage, a light that blinds at the path of redemption!NIGHTRAGE MANAGEMENTAND BAND [email protected] CONTACT EUROPESascha Merkel, Pirate Smileemail: [email protected]: +49(0)30 61 20 35 80www.
pirate-smile.dePR CONTACT NORTH AMERICAFresno MediaBrian Rocha, [email protected] Feldman, [email protected] CONTACTDespotz Records & MusicIdungatan 8113 45 StockholmSwedeninfo@despotz.
seDespotz Records & MusicAtt: Luis AlvarengaBrooklyn, NYUSACell # 310 428 [email protected] Records & Music UKAtt: Gavin HarryLaurel CottsBall HillNewbury HampshireRG20 [email protected] Interests:Playing as hard as they canArtists We Also Like:At The Gates, Exhumation, Iron Maiden, Death, Firewind, Testament, Thin Lizzy, Metallica, Mercyful fate, Venom.
ORDER Japanese versions of Nightrage albums with bonus songs.INSIDIOUShttp://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=KICP-1592A NEW DISEASE IS BORNhttp://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=MICP-10642DESCENT INTO CHAOShttp://www.
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amazon.com/Descent-Into-Chaos-Nightrage/dp/B000A2GSWW/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1303569152&sr=8-6AMAZON MP3http://www.amazon.com/Sweet-Vengeance/dp/B000XFHLQS/ref=sr_shvl_album_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1303570588&sr=301-2http://www.
cudgel.de/product_info.php?info=p20015_NIGHTRAGE---vengeance-descending-DCD.htmlRHAPSODYhttp://www.rhapsody.com/nightrage/descent-into-chaosBENGANShttp://www.bengans.se/Product.aspx?skivkod=877631§ion=musicPAST TOUR DATES:2003-08-12 Gothenburg´s kalaset Gothenburg The Haunted, Evergrey, Mustasch.
Sweden2004-12-17 Forum London The Haunted, Dark Tranquillity, Arch Enemy. England2005-09-08 Ten Bells Grand Rapids MI IEMF tour Usa2005-09-09 The Warehouse LaCrosse WI IEMF tour Usa2005-09-10 The Bluebird Denver CO IEMF Tour Usa2005-09-11 Boom VA Ogden, Utah IEMF TOUR Usa2005-09-13 Fat Tuesdays Spokane WA IEMF tour Usa2005-09-14 Studio Seven Seattle WA IEMF Tour Usa2005-09-15 Rock and Roll Pizza Portland OR IEMF Tour Usa2005-09-16 The Last Day Saloon San Francisco CA IEMF tour Usa2005-09-17 Vault 350 Long Beach CA IEMF Tour Usa2005-09-19 Lucky Devils El Paso TX IEMF tour Usa2005-09-20 The Launchpad Albuquerque NM IEMF tour Usa2005-09-21 The Phoenix Arlington, Texas IEMF TOUR Usa2005-09-23 Boomerz Boileroom Seminole FL IEMF Tour Usa2005-09-24 Culture Room Ft.
Lauderdale FL IEMF Tour Usa2005-09-27 Masquerade Atlanta GA IEMF Tour Usa2005-09-29 Jesters Fayetteville, N.Carolina IEMF TOUR Usa2005-09-30 Harpos Detroit MI IEMF Tour Usa2005-10-01 The Metro Chicago IL IEMF Tour Usa2005-10-22 Mercado da ribeira Lisabon Shadowsphere, Thanatoschizo, Dawnrider Portugal2005-11-22 Underworld London Stand aside, No made sense, Shadow law, 12 ton method.
England2006-01-04 Atak Enschede w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Holland2006-01-05 Markthalle Hamburg w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-06 Hellraiser Leipzig w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-07 SO36 Berlin w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-08 Tankhaus Stavenhagen w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-09 Proxima Warsaw w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Poland2006-01-10 Extreme Krakow w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Poland2006-01-11 Rock cafe Praque w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Czech Republic2006-01-12 Backstage München w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-13 Alter Schlachthof Wels w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Austria2006-01-14 Planet Music Vienna w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Austria2006-01-15 Blue Hell Budapest w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Hungary2006-01-16 Mochvara Zagreb w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Croatia2006-01-19 La Gabbia Music Club Bassano Del Grappa w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Italy2006-01-20 Remise Wil w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Switzerland2006-01-21 JUZ Live Andernach w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-22 Vera Groningen w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Holland2006-01-23 N8 Osnabrück w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-24 Baroeg Rotterdam w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Holland2006-01-25 Doornroosje Nijmegen w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Holland2006-01-26 Zeche Carl Essen w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-27 Glad-House Cottbus w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-28 Halle 2 Hanau w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-01-29 Muziekodroom Hasselt w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Belgium2006-01-30 La Locomotive Paris w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist France2006-02-01 Z 7 Pratteln w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Switzerland2006-02-02 Röhre Stuttgart w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-02-03 Kallewerk Bad Salzungen w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-02-04 Exil Trier w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Germany2006-02-05 Patronaat Haarlem w/ Bolt thrower, Malevolent Creation, Necrophagist Holland2006-04-13 Inferno Festival Oslo Emperor, Bolt thrower, Marduk, Cathedral.
Norway2006-04-14 Sticky Fingers Gothenburg Bolt Thrower & Downlord Sweden2006-06-17 Lorca Rock Festival Sabado Twisted Sister, Devil Driver, Anvil etc Spain2006-11-10 Tobakken Esbjerk Vader, Bloodthorn Denmark2006-11-11 Godset Kolding Vader, Bloodthorn Denmark2006-11-12 The Rock Copenhagen Vader, Bloodthorn Denmark2006-11-13 Musikens Hus Gothenburg Vader, Bloodthorn Sweden2006-11-14 Garage Oslo Vader, Bloodthorn Norway2006-11-15 Garage Bergen Vader, Bloodthorn Norway2006-11-16 Pat Hjornet Kristiansand Vader, Bloodthorn Norway2006-11-17 Blaest Trondheim Vader, Bloodthorn Norway2006-11-18 Satin Orebro Vader, Bloodthorn Sweden2006-11-19 Klubben Stockholm Vader, Bloodthorn Sweden2006-11-20 Monster Gavle Vader, Bloodthorn Sweden2006-11-21 Midnight Umea Vader, Bloodthorn Sweden2006-11-22 Teatria Oulu Vader, Bloodthorn Finland2006-11-23 Henrys Pub Kuopio Vader, Bloodthorn Finland2006-11-24 Nightlife Rock Helsinki Vader, Bloodthorn Finland2006-11-25 Klubi Turku Vader, Bloodthorn Finland2007-05-16 Loppen Copenhagen Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse.
Denmark2007-05-17 Train Aarhus Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Denmark2007-05-18 Simplon Groningen Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Netherlands2007-05-19 Jochnroll Skatefest Hameln Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse.
Germany2007-05-20 Ballroom Hamburg Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Germany2007-05-21 Knaack Berlin Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Germany2007-05-22 Turock Essen Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Germany2007-05-23 Club Prag Stuttgart Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse.
Germany2007-05-24 Feierwerk Muenchen Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Germany2007-05-25 Transilvania Ersfeld Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse Switzerland2007-05-26 Volkshaus Landskron Villach Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse.
Austria2007-05-27 Culture Factory Lustenau Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Austria2007-05-28 Arena Wien Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Austria2007-05-29 Randal Bratislava Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse.
Slovakia2007-05-30 Kultiplex Budapest Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Hungary2007-05-31 Kulturkeller GLEISDORF Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. Austria2007-06-01 B-Hof Wuerzburg Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse.
Germany2007-06-03 La Bellevilloise Paris Mnemic, Slowmotion Apocalypse. France2007-07-21 Metal healing festival Stauroupoli Xanthi. The haunted, Firewind, to die for, Mystic Prophecy, Ektomorf. Greece2007-08-16 Summer Breeze Festival Dinkelsbuehl DEADLOCK – FALL OF SERENITY – WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH Germany2007-09-22 Alhama de murcia Festival.
Alhama de murcia Monnsorrow, Textures, Nahemah. Spain2007-11-02 Aalborg metal festival Aalborg Kreator, Soilwork, Chimaira, Dream Evil. Denmark2007-12-15 Plaza open air Azpeitia LEGEN BELTZA Spain2007-12-16 Ritmo & Compas Madrid LEGEN BELTZA Spain2008-01-26 An club Athens Nordor, Insidead.
Greece2008-07-19 Rockweekend festival Kilafors w/ Alice Cooper, Soilwork, Firewind, Thin Lizzy, Arch Enemy, Helloween Sweden2008-09-06 Klubhaus Saalfeld Misery speaks, Dying Humanity, Trinitys blood. Germany2009-08-29 Festival Ilha do Ermal Vieira do Minho, Braga Sepultura, Pestilence, Korpiklaani, Hatesphere.
Portugal2009-09-18 Sticky Fingers Gothenburg The Haunted Sweden2010-02-12 Rock Season Club Patra Septicflesh Greece2010-02-14 @ Dewars Club Agrinio TBA Greece2010-02-15 @ Support 81 Irakleio TBA Greece2010-02-16 @ 4 Seasons Bar Chania TBA Greece2010-02-18 @ Secrets Live Stage Lamia TBA Greece2010-02-19 Stage Club Larisa Septic Flesh Greece2010-02-20 Eight Ball Club Thessaloniki Septic Flesh Greece2010-02-21 Sin City club Athens TBA Greece2010-10-02 Days Shocking Ground Fest Terni Necrodeath, Dark Lunacy, Empiriios, Sub Human.
ItalyFirewind, Arsis and White Wizzard.North AmericaThe “Frets of Fury” Tour ItineraryOct 09 St Petersburg, FL @ The State TheaterOct 10 Atlanta, GA @ MasqueradeOct 11 Springfield, VA @ JaxxOct 12 New York, NY @ Gramercy TheaterOct 13 Hampton, NH, NH Wally'sOct 14 Montreal, QC @ Les Foufounes ElectriquesOct 15 Ottawa, ON @ Maverick"sOct 16 Cleveland, OH @ Peabody"sOct 18 Joliet, IL @ Mojoe"sOct 19 St Paul, MN @ Station 4Oct 20 Winnipeg, MB @ The Osborne Village InnOct 21 Edmonton, AB @ Pawn ShopOct 22 Kelowna, BC @Lake City Bowl Oct 23 Vancouver, BC @ Rickshaw TheaterOct 24 Seattle, WA @ Studio SevenOct 25 Portland, OR @ Hawthorne TheaterOct 26 San Francisco, CA @ Slim"sOct 27 Hollywood, CA @ The Whisky A Go GoRAGE THROUGH THE PSYCHOw/ Psycho Choke2012-04-26 @Kittaro Athens Greece2012-04-27 @Vox Volos Greece2012-04-28 @Eightball Thessaloniki Greece2012-04-29 @BOXX Ioannina GreeceDEMON HUNTER EUROPEAN TOUR 2012w/ Deadlock, Nightrage, InsenseMay 01 @ Universum Stuttgart, GermanyMay 02 @ Schüür Luzern, Switzerland May 03 @ Matrix Bochum, Germany May 04 @ Magasin 4 Brussels, Belgium May 05 @ O2 Islington Academy2 London, United Kingdom2012-08-26 RS Hall w/Mahatma,Downhel.
Daejeon,South Korea2013-01-05 Gothenburg Sound FestivalGothenburg Sweden.2013-09-20 Sticky Fingers, Gothenburg Sweden.Japan Headline tour 2013-11-05 Flying sonSendai 2013-11-06 Imaike Club3star Nagoya 2013-11-07 Graf Fukuoka 2013-11-08 Nanba Rockets Osaka 2013-11-09 WILD SIDE TOKYO Shinjuku Tokyo 2013-11-10 WILD SIDE TOKYO Shinjuku TokyoHometown Thessaloniki/Greece, Gothenburg/Sweden.
Record Label: Despotz RecordsGeneral Manager:[email protected] Metallica, Iron Maiden, Testament, Thin LizzyCurrent Location Thessaloniki/Greece, Gothenburg/Sweden.Websitehttp://www.nightrage.
reverbnation.com/nightragehttp://instagram.com/mariosiliopouloshttp://instagram.com/nightrageofficialBooking Agent:Send all your booking requests for EUROPEAN/UK shows to:The Flaming artsVadim Khomich info@theflamingarts.
eu Web: http://www.theflamingarts.eu/archives/artists/nightrageFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlamingArtsAgencyINFINITY CONCERTSMilton MendoncaE-Mail: milton infinityconcerts netNORTH/SOUTH AMERICABenneth Verlay -benneth@bnfproductions.
com, https://www.facebook.com/bnfproductions [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=330524504902 GREECE
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