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Amaral is a Spanish group, from the city of Zaragoza, made up of Eva Amaral - vocals and composer - ...

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{"key":"18811","name":"Amaral","bio":"Amaral is a Spanish group, from the city of Zaragoza, made up of Eva Amaral - vocals and composer - and Juan Aguirre - guitarist and composer. The group's name is Eva's surname. Their music is pop and rock, with poetic lyrics about feelings. Eva's voice is deep, strong and very melodious.Biography:1993-2000: The group Amaral was created on January 1st 1997 with Eva Amaral, main vocalist and composer, and Juan Aguirre, guitarist and composer, as members. The name of the group is Eva's surname, and it was chosen by Juan.Their story started at the beginning of the 90's, when Eva and Juan met at a recording studio in the city of Zaragoza. At the time, Eva was playing with a group called Bandera Blanca (White Flag) and Juan, with his group D\u00edas de vino y rosas (Days of Wine and Roses) collaborated with Eva's on one song. A close relationship was immediately born between them. In 1997 they moved from Zaragoza to Madrid and signed with EMI\/Virgin. On May 5th 1998, they released their eponymous first album, Amaral, produced by Pancho Varona. They sold around 70,000 copies, in a country with 40 million inhabitants.2000-2002 In the year 2000, after a tour to present their first album, Amaral went to London to record their second album, called Una peque\u00f1a parte del mundo (A Little Part of the World), produced by Cameron Jenkins. It was a more mature record which contained 13 songs. Twelve of them were composed by the group and the thirteenth one was a version of a song by the Spanish singer Cecilia.2002-2004Two years later, Amaral entered the studio again with the same producer and recorded their third album, called Estrella de mar (Starfish). It was named Best National Album in 2002. They won several awards that year, including an MTV Europe Award to best Spanish artist, and five Spanish music awards. They also went international with this version, when their album was released under a new version in America in 2003. They sold 900,000 copies.In 2004, they were supposed to record an album and play with Bob Dylan when he visited Spain, but Juan suffered a wrist injury, so they had to delay the recording and Eva sang alone with Dylan. Finally in November of that year, Eva and Juan recorded their fourth album P\u00e1jaros en la cabeza (\u201cBirds in the Head\u201d, a Spanish expression meaning \u201cdreamer\u201d), again with Cameron Perkins. On March 14th 2004 they released it. It contained 14 songs, in a pop and rock style. They toured all over Spain until October, and later left to play in Mexico and Argentina. At the same time they recorded a concert for a DVD called El comienzo del Big Bang (The Beginning of the Big Bang). It was the best selling album in Spain in 2005, and sold about 600,000 copies worldwide. In May 2008, they released their fifth studio album named Gato negro.Drag\u00f3n rojo (\"Black cat, red dragon\"). This is the first album in which Juan sings, in the track Es s\u00f3lo una canci\u00f3n.Eva has also sung with Moby.Official site:","featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/images\/18811_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
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His full name is Ramón Melendi Espina. Spanish pop singer with rock, flamenco, and rumba influences...

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{"key":"18775","name":"Melendi","bio":"His full name is Ram\u00f3n Melendi Espina. Spanish pop singer with rock, flamenco, and rumba influences. Was born on January 21, 1979 in Oviedo, Asturias. He realized very quickly that he wasn't made for studying, but he was good at soccer. He played in the lower ranks of Astur CF, at the time a reserve team for Real Oviedo. Afterwards, he worked as a waiter in several bars and spent all night out, living experiences that would later go on to make up the lyrics of his songs. In 2001, he joined a group called \"El bosque de Sherwood\", and soon after recorded a demo with only three songs, \"Sin noticias de Holanda\", \"El informe del forense\", and \"Vuelvo a traficar\".In February 2003, Melendi released his first solo disc, called \"Sin noticias de Holanda\" with twelve songs. In December 2003, this disc was rereleased with two new songs, \"Asturias\" and \"Moratal\u00e1\". However, he reached true fame with the 2004 Vuelta a Espa\u00f1a chose his song \"Con la luna llena\" as its official theme. In May 2004, he started a small tour around Spain, selling 50,000 copies of his CD, making it a Gold Album.In 2005, he released his second solo CD, \"Que el cielo espere sentao\", which has sold more than 200,000 copies. Later that same year, he rereleased the album with three new songs, \"El Nano\", \"La dama, and \"El vagabundo y Carlota\", and a Live concert DVD recorded in Oviedo. He also became a father that year, and received the Onda award for Best Song of the Year for \"Caminando por la vida\".In November 2005, he received seven Platinum Discs for his two albums. \"Sin noticias\u2026\" received four and \"Que el cielo\u2026\" three.In 2006, it was announced that he would be one of the main stars in the PSP game \"Gangs of London\". Melendi played Mr. Big, an evil gangster. He also wrote the song \"Gangs of London\" for the occasion, going on to film a video amidst police lights and sirens. The videogame was launched on August 1 of that year in the UK and on September 6 in Spain; EMI stepped in to distribute his CDs worldwide.Melendi in Valladolid.He also wrote the song \"Volveremos\" (We Shall Return) for Real Oviedo. The singer is also involved in the production of the film \"Vuelvo a traficar: The Film\" (I'm Dealing Again).\"Mientras no cueste trabajo\" was released on November 13, 2006 in two formats: a normal CD with 12 songs, and a special edition, with 16 songs and a DVD with extras. The disc was rereleased on September 29, 2007 with four new songs, \"Firmes\", \"El rey de la baraja\", \"La aceituna\", and \"Me gusta el f\u00fatbol\".In 2007, he received the \"Best Tour\" award from the \"Premios de la M\u00fasica\" ceremony held in Cordoba. He also did an advertising campaign for Canal+ Spain entitled \"Me gusta el f\u00fatbol\" (I Like Football), for which he wrote a song of the same name.In 2007, he stood trial for provoking an incident while under the influence of alcohol on a flight from Madrid to Mexico City that required the pilot to return to Madrid two hours after takeoff. He was released after testifying. Soon after, he was given the \"Left Foot\" award from Spanish radio station Cadena 100 for this incident.Currently, Melendi directs his Blue Donkey Music company, helping young singers start their careers. He's offered contracts to four groups, Algunos Hombres Buenos, Rasel, La Dama y Belo, and Los Susodichos. This last group was nominated for a Latin Grammy for Best Rock Vocals. Algunos Hombres Buenos left the label in 2008.On August 9, 2008 he presented his new single, \"Un violinista en tu tejado\" from his album Curiosa la cara de tu padre on Spanish radio station Los 40 Principales. The album was released on September 16, 2008. On December 12, Los 40 Principales awarded him their award for this album.On March 17, 2009 he released a new double CD, A\u00fan m\u00e1s curiosa la cara de tu padre, including the original disc and another with nine new songs and links to exclusive content on his website.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/images\/18775_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
The Sunday Drivers
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The Sunday Drivers

The Sunday Drivers se formó en Toledo a finales de 1999.Al principio éramos cuatro: Carlos (bater�...

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{"key":"18844","name":"The Sunday Drivers","bio":"The Sunday Drivers se form\u00f3 en Toledo a finales de 1999.Al principio \u00e9ramos cuatro: Carlos (bater\u00eda), Jero (voz), Miguel (bajo) y Fausto (guitarra).Grabamos dos maquetas: \"\" (diciembre 2000) y \"02\" (diciembre 2001) que tuvieron escasa repercusi\u00f3n. Dimos muy pocos conciertos y hubo largos parones.En enero de 2002, fuimos invitados por el portal de m\u00fasica a tocar en una fiesta en la sala Moby Dick . Despu\u00e9s de vernos en aquel concierto nos fich\u00f3 Rock Indiana, discogr\u00e1fica con la que grabamos nuestro primer disco, titulado \"The Sunday Drivers\". \u00c9ste primer LP sali\u00f3 a la venta en el mes de julio del 2002: son 11 canciones, algunas ya existentes en las maquetas, grabadas en los Estudios Brazil de Rivas-Vaciamadrid durante el mes de abril de aquel a\u00f1o, con Javier Ortiz como ingeniero de sonido y productor. Posteriormente, del disco se extrajo el single \"Time, time, time\" (febrero 2003).Para la grabaci\u00f3n de los teclados que aparecen en \"The Sunday Drivers\", le pedimos su colaboraci\u00f3n a Juli\u00e1n que, desde aquel momento, se convirti\u00f3 en un nuevo miembro del grupo.A ra\u00edz de la publicaci\u00f3n del disco empezamos a tocar m\u00e1s asiduamente; actuamos en algunos festivales (Esp\u00e1rrago, Lemon Pop, Supers\u00f3nico, Autumn Almanac, Summer in the City \u2026) y en muchas ciudades. Sin duda, la primera mitad del 2003 fue muy importante para el grupo: primer puesto en el concurso de J\u00f3venes Artistas de Castilla-La Mancha, tercer premio en el Villa de Bilbao, acompa\u00f1amos a los Jeevas y a Arlo en sus respectivas giras por Espa\u00f1a\u2026 en total, unos 100 conciertos en a\u00f1o y medio que tuvieron su colof\u00f3n en el FIB de 2003.Despu\u00e9s del verano del 2003 empezamos a pensar en grabar de nuevo. Y apareci\u00f3 Mushroom Pillow, nuestra actual discogr\u00e1fica. Con ellos emprendimos el proyecto del 2\u00bc disco, \"Little heart attacks\", que se public\u00f3 el mes de junio de 2004.El disco tuvo un proceso largo de elaboraci\u00f3n: varios meses de preproducci\u00f3n y otros cuantos en el estudio. \"Little heart attacks\" lo grab\u00f3, mezcl\u00f3 y produjo JM Rosillo en su estudio de Madrid (Supersonic Lounge) durante los meses de marzo y abril. En la grabaci\u00f3n le (nos) ayud\u00f3 \u00c1ngel Medina. El disco fue posteriormente masterizado por Juan Hidalgo.Debemos destacar la colaboraci\u00f3n en este disco de Lyndon Parish, amigo y m\u00fasico gal\u00e9s que se encarg\u00f3 de los arreglos orquestales y vocales. Lyndon, que empez\u00f3 como arreglista para la grabaci\u00f3n, es ahora un miembro m\u00e1s del grupo.En el verano de 2004 comenz\u00f3 la gira de presentaci\u00f3n del disco. Fuimos a algunos festivales (Ebrovisi\u00f3n, Faraday, Fra de Alaqu\u00e1s, Medinasonora, F.M. Pop\u2026 y volvimos al FIB) y fuimos a ciudades de toda Espa\u00f1a.La gira se ha extendido mucho, hasta el verano de 2005: m\u00e1s festivales (B-Side Festival, Metrorock, Sonorama, Contempopranea, Pulpop\u2026) y m\u00e1s ciudades. Un a\u00f1o exacto.De entre todos los conciertos, guardamos un recuerdo especial de nuestro paso por el Festival Transmusicales de Rennes (Francia): fue nuestra primera salida al extranjero. Tambi\u00e9n recordamos con especial cari\u00f1o el concierto en la sala Arena de Madrid y nunca olvidaremos la experiencia que supuso ser elegidos para telonear a Wilco en su gira espa\u00f1ola.El 26 de abril de 2005, la compa\u00f1\u00eda francesa Na\u00efve edit\u00f3 \"Little heart attacks\" en Francia y ya est\u00e1 siendo publicado en otros pa\u00edses europeos (Holanda. Grecia, Luxemburgo, B\u00e9lgica\u2026). La acogida del disco en Francia ha sido excepcional, lo que nos permiti\u2014 tocar en varios festivales (Vieilles Charrues, Rock en Seine, Artrock, Les Mediterran\u00e9es, Musilac Aix-les-Bains, JDM Festival\u2026) y realizar una gira de tres semanas por toda Francia en octubre del mismo a\u00f1o.A principios de 2006 nos metimos en un proyecto muy ilusionante llamado Un-pop Classik: un total de 6 conciertos acompa\u00f1ados con una orquesta que nos llev\u00f3 a algunos festivales en Francia, Dinamarca, B\u00e9lgica y que termin\u00f3 en el Festival Internacional de Benicassim.Casi a la vez praparamos las canciones del nuevo disco, \"Tiny Telephone\", que grabamos en el estudio del mismo nombre en San Francisco (EE.UU). El disco tard\u00f3 dos semanas en grabarse y fue producido por Brad Jones.Hubo tambi\u00e9n m\u00e1s conciertos, pero debemos destacar el que tuvo lugar en la Playa de Riazor (A Coru\u00f1a) junto a Paul Weller en el mes de agosto.Si bien el disco se grab\u00f3 en 2006, no fue hasta abril de 2007 cuando se edit\u00f3 tanto en Espa\u00f1a como en Francia.Ahora mismo estamos presentando el nuevo disco con una gira por todo el pa\u00eds; sabemos que arranc\u00f3 el pasado junio con un concierto inolvidable en la sala Joy Eslava de Madrid pero no sabemos cu\u00e1ndo acabar\u00e1. Pronto, en noviembre, lo haremos en Francia.The Sunday Drivers","featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/images\/18844_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Gloria Trevi
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Gloria Trevi

Gloria Trevi (born Gloria de los Ángeles Treviño Ruiz on February 15, 1968 in Monterrey, Nuevo Le�...

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{"key":"18785","name":"Gloria Trevi","bio":"Gloria Trevi (born Gloria de los \u00c1ngeles Trevi\u00f1o Ruiz on February 15, 1968 in Monterrey, Nuevo Le\u00f3n, Mexico) is a Mexican singer-songwriter. She was described as the \"Supreme Diva of the Mexican Pop\" by the music channel VH1 and sold over 20 million records. Her new album De Pel\u00edcula was released in 2013.Trevi released her first album in 1989, \u00bfQu\u00e9 Hago Aqu\u00ed? (What am I doing here). The album scored an instant number one hit, \"Dr. Psiquiatra\", and four other songs from the album climbed the charts. Trevi followed her first record with Tu \u00c1ngel de la Guarda (Your guardian angel), which was more successful than the first. Pelo Suelto became her most widely known hit, reaching number one all over Latin America and Spain as well as becoming popular with the Latino population of the United States. Her third album, Me siento tan sola (I feel SO lonely), was released in 1992 garnering another hit, Zapatos Viejos (Old Shoes). All three albums were recorded in Los Angeles.Her manager recruited young girls to talent camps and molested them. Trevi was initially indicted, was held in prison, but ultimately found innocent as she was not aware of the rape being committed by her manager.In 1993, Trevi was nominated for Pop Female Artist of the Year at the Lo Nuestro Awards.In 2000, Trevi, Andrade, and backup singer Maria Raquenel Portillo were arrested in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on charges of corrupting minors. A year later, Trevi announced that she was pregnant while in prison; the father of the child was Andrade, according to DNA tests by the Brazilian authorities (Trevi and her defence claimed that the results of the DNA test were doctored). Trevi was cleared of the charges in 2004, due to lack of evidence, after spending four years and eight months in prison.Trevi married Armando G\u00f3mez, a lawyer, in 2009. She now lives in McAllen, Texas. She will star as the protagonist (alongside with Gabriel Soto) in Emilio Larrosa's telenovela: Libre para amarte. Trevi's ninth album \"De Pelicula\" was released on September 24, 2013. The albums' two singles \"No Soy Un P\u00e1jaro\" (released in both Pop and Banda Versions) and \"No Quer\u00edas Lastimarme\" were issued as the albums' singles.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/images\/18785_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Christina Rosenvinge
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Christina Rosenvinge

Christina Rosenvinge (b. May 29, 1964 Madrid) is a Spanish singer born to Danish parents.She was a m...

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{"key":"18791","name":"Christina Rosenvinge","bio":"Christina Rosenvinge (b. May 29, 1964 Madrid) is a Spanish singer born to Danish parents.She was a member of several Spanish groups (including Christina y Los Subterr\u00e1neos) before she started a solo career with help from Lee Ranaldo, the guitarist of Sonic Youth. She moved to New York City in 1999 with her partner, Ray Loriga, who took the photos that appear on her album 'Foreign Land'.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/images\/18791_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Siniestro Total
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Siniestro Total

Siniestro Total are a Spanish band formed in Vigo in 1981. They started with a punk rock style and e...

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{"key":"18859","name":"Siniestro Total","bio":"Siniestro Total are a Spanish band formed in Vigo in 1981. They started with a punk rock style and evolved into a more rock style during the 80s and beginning of the 90s and 00sBand's biography:The band is formed after a traffic accident in December 1981, in Vigo (Galicia, Northwest of Spain), with a iconoclastic and neo-dadaist approach in the lyrics: galician punk rock against general boredom.In January 1982 they send a demo with twelve songs to the radio program \"This is not Hawai\", presented by Jes\u00fas Ordov\u00e1s in Radio 3 (Radio Nacional de Espa\u00f1a).In June the same year the EP \"Ayudando a los enfermos\" (\"Helping the sick people\") is published with DRO, one of the new independent record companies that arised at that time.In November they publish their first LP, \"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo se come aqu\u00ed?\" (\"When do we eat here?\") with 15 songs recorded in three days. It was a success in the alternative market.In January 1983 they play live in Rock Ola (Madrid), an important concert venue for the new bands around the country. They record two songs for the program \"Caja de ritmos\" in Televisi\u00f3n Espa\u00f1ola. Due to censorship the program is canceled.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/images\/18859_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
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La trayectoria de Despistaos está siendo meteórica, con paso firme y gran profesionalidad. En su q...

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{"key":"18829","name":"Despistaos","bio":"La trayectoria de Despistaos est\u00e1 siendo mete\u00f3rica, con paso firme y gran profesionalidad. En su quinto a\u00f1o de vida, la banda nos presentar\u00e1 en octubre su doble \u00e1lbum recopilatorio \"Lo que hemos vivido\". Durante este verano, Despistaos se han vuelto a meter en el estudio para grabar varias canciones y versionear algunos de sus temas m\u00e1s conocidos, con colaboraciones de lujo como Dani de El Canto del Loco en \"Hasta que pase la tormenta\", Iker de Dikers en \"Nada de que hablar\" y Brigi de Koma en \"El \u00fanico espectador\". Todo esto apoyado con un nuevo sonido en la producci\u00f3n a cargo del americano Joe Marlett (No Way Out, Blink 182, Foo Fighters, Queens Of The Stone Age\u2026) En este disco se incluye el tema \"F\u00edsica o qu\u00edmica\", compuesto expresamente por Despistaos para la exitosa serie de TV de Antena 3, que vuelve en septiembre con una nueva temporada. La canci\u00f3n forma parte de la nueva cabecera y esta incluida en algunos de los episodios. Todas estas nuevas grabaciones, junto a sus canciones m\u00e1s conocidas formar\u00e1n parte de \"Lo que hemos vivido\", \u00e1lbum ya a la venta.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/images\/18829_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Antonio Orozco
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Antonio Orozco

Antonio Orozco is a Spanish singer-songwriter from Barcelona, Spain.He has won several prizes like t...

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{"key":"18835","name":"Antonio Orozco","bio":"Antonio Orozco is a Spanish singer-songwriter from Barcelona, Spain.He has won several prizes like the Premio Onda and sold lots of records, his first album sold more than 100,000 copies, whereas his second album titled Semilla del Silencio sold over 300,000 copies.In 2005 he released a self titled album Antonio Orozco, which was a compilation of his best songs (twelve in total) that eventually propelled him into stardom outside Spain, mainly in Latin America and other parts of the world. Some of his better known songs include: \"Te Esperar\u00e9\" and \"D\u00e9jame\".He is known as well because of his duets with Lucie Silvas (What You're Made Of) and Mal\u00fa (Devu\u00e9lveme la vida).","featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/images\/18835_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Los Secretos
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Los Secretos

Los secretos is a spanish group founded in the Madrid of the 80,s . Their music was like a breath of...

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{"key":"18813","name":"Los Secretos","bio":"Los secretos is a spanish group founded in the Madrid of the 80,s . Their music was like a breath of fresh air with daily life lyrics.Their first artistic name was \"Tos\", with Urquijo,s Brothers and Canito. Their breakout album was named like the group, then came \"Todo sigue igual\", \"Algo mas\", etc. The group had a very big handicap with the death of Enrique Urquijo, founder member of the group. Since then Alvaro Urquijo took the responsability. Now they have new album \"Una y mil veces\"","featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/images\/18813_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
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