
Jeremy Soule
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Jeremy Soule

Jeremy Soule (b. December 19, 1975) is an award-winning American composer from Keokuk, Iowa and a pr...

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{"key":"3922","name":"Jeremy Soule","bio":"Jeremy Soule (b. December 19, 1975) is an award-winning American composer from Keokuk, Iowa and a prolific composer of orchestral videogame scores. Soule's soundtracks are often critically acclaimed as being among the best in the computer and video games industry and as rivaling the quality of many orchestral film soundtracks. A large percentage of Soule's music is done electronically and emulates real orchestral music so well that it is frequently indistinguishable from the real thing. He often collaborates with his brother, Julian Soule, with whom he also founded DirectSong; a company that sells DRM-free downloads of several classical composers, including Jeremy's own compositions. Soule has been working in the music industry since 1994 when he became an employee of Square. He then left to join Humongous Entertainment, where he composed for several children's games as well as Total Annihilation, his first award-winning score. He left to form his own music production company, Soule Media in 2000, now called Artistry Entertainment. Through this company Soule has created several award-winning soundtracks. In 2005 he founded DirectSong. Soule's works have been played in several live concerts such as the Symphonic Game Music Concert in Germany and the international Play! A Video Game Symphony concert series. He has produced and composed music for:* Armies of Exigo* Azurik: Rise of Perathia* Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance* Company of Heroes* Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts* Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor* Dungeon Siege* Dungeon Siege II* The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind* The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion* The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim* Final Four* Giants: Citizen Kabuto* Guild Wars* Guild Wars: Factions* Guild Wars: Nightfall* Guild Wars: Eye of the North* Guild Wars 2* Harry Potter and the Philosopher's\/Sorcerer's Stone* Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets* Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban* Icewind Dale* Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter* Impossible Creatures* IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey* Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events* Mass Effect 3* Neverwinter Nights* Prey* Secret of Evermore* SOCOM* Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic* Star Wars: Bounty Hunter* Supreme Commander* Total Annihilation: Kingdoms* Total Annihilation: The Core Contingency* Total Annihilation * Unreal II* Warhammer: Mark of Chaos* Warhammer40K: Dawn of WarJeremy Soule recently took legal action against KHInsider, a website dedicated to keeping rare soundtracks online. The owner of the site decided to remove the offending material in order to avoid being sued by Soule, who was not only trying to have his own music removed, but all the music on the site.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/assets.allamericanmusic.com\/images\/3922_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Kai Rosenkranz
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Kai Rosenkranz

Kai Rosenkranz is working for Piranha Bytes since the time when he finished school. He is responsibl...

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{"key":"80529","name":"Kai Rosenkranz","bio":"Kai Rosenkranz is working for Piranha Bytes since the time when he finished school. He is responsible for the soundtracks to the computer games Gothic, that was released in 2001, Gothic II (2002) and Gothic 3 (2006). His favourite instrument is the piano. He loves playing the piano since his parents bought him a keyboard when he was 7 years old. His nickname is 'KaiRo', at first sight the German word for Cairo (Egypt's capital\u2026). But obviously 'Kai' is his first name and 'Ro' are the first two letters of his surname.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/assets.allamericanmusic.com\/images\/80529_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}

London Philharmonic Orchestra

The London Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO), based in London, is one of the major orchestras of the Unit...

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{"key":"39635","name":"London Philharmonic Orchestra","bio":"The London Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO), based in London, is one of the major orchestras of the United Kingdom, and is based in the Royal Festival Hall. In addition, the LPO is the main resident orchestra of the Glyndebourne Festival Opera. The LPO also performs concerts at the Congress Theatre, Eastbourne and the Brighton Dome.Alternatively, see The London Philharmonic Orchestra.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/assets.allamericanmusic.com\/images\/39635_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Akira Senju
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Akira Senju

Akira Senju (千住明, Senju Akira, born 21 October 1960) is a multi-award winning Japanese compose...

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{"key":"183266","name":"Akira Senju","bio":"Akira Senju (\u5343\u4f4f\u660e, Senju Akira, born 21 October 1960) is a multi-award winning Japanese composer. He majored in music composition in 1988 from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and proceeded to the Graduate School of the University receiving his master's degree, summa cum laude, in composition in 1990. He has written many scores for film, TV-series, anime and advertisements. He collaborates frequently with his sister, violinist, Mariko Senju. He also collaborated with the famous Japanese pop singer Akina Nakamori, orchestrating her Utahime and Enka cover albums.Official site: http:\/\/www.akirasenju.comFilmography:2009 Fullmetal Alchemist (\u92fc\u306e\u932c\u91d1\u8853\u5e2b)2009 Tales of Vesperia2007 Walking My Life (\u8c61\u306e\u80cc\u4e2d)2007 F\u016brin Kazan (\u98a8\u6797\u706b\u5c71)2007 Dead Girls 2006 Tears for You (\u6d99\u305d\u3046\u305d\u3046)2005 A Heartful of Love (\u3053\u306e\u80f8\u3044\u3063\u3071\u3044\u306e\u611b\u3092) 2005 Hinokio: Inter Galactic Love2004 Tetsujin 28 (\u9244\u4eba28\u53f7)2003 Winning Pass (\u30a6\u30a3\u30cb\u30f3\u30b0\u30fb\u30d1\u30b9)2003 The Man Who Wipes Mirrors (\u30df\u30e9\u30fc\u3092\u62ed\u304f\u7537)2003 Crach (\u30af\u30e9\u30c3\u30b7\u30e5)2002 Yomigaeri: Resurrection (\u9ec4\u6cc9\u304c\u3048\u308a)2002 17 Years Old (\u5341\u4e03\u6b73)2002 Mokka no Koibito (\u76ee\u4e0b\u306e\u604b\u4eba)2000 Senrigan (\u5343\u91cc\u773c)2000 Princess Arete (\u30a2\u30ea\u30fc\u30c6\u59eb)1998 Begging for Love (\u611b\u3092\u4e5e\u3046\u3072\u3068)1997 Time Leap (\u30bf\u30a4\u30e0\u30fb\u30ea\u30fc\u30d7)1996 Galaxy Express in My Mind (\u308f\u304c\u5fc3\u306e\u9280\u6cb3\u9244\u9053 \u5bae\u6ca2\u8ce2\u6cbb)1994 Homeless Child (\u5bb6\u306a\u304d\u5b50)1994 The Mystery of Rampo1993 High School Teacher (\u9ad8\u6821\u6559\u5e2b) 1992 Chibi Maruko-chan~My Favorite Songs (\u3055\u304f\u3089\u3082\u3082\u3053\u30ef\u30fc\u30eb\u30c9 \u3061\u3073\u307e\u308b\u5b50\u3061\u3083\u3093 \u308f\u305f\u3057\u306e\u597d\u304d\u306a\u6b4c)1992 T\u00f4h\u00f4kenbunroku (\u6771\u65b9\u898b\u805e\u9332)1991 Tsurumoku Bachelor Dormitory (\u30c4\u30eb\u30e2\u30af\u72ec\u8eab\u5bee)1989 Four Days of Snow and Blood (226)1988 Uma Avenida Chamada BrasilAlbums found in Last.fm:\u7802\u306e\u5668 \u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30af\u3088\u308a \u30d4\u30a2\u30ce\u3068\u7ba1\u5f26\u697d\u306e\u305f\u3081\u306e\u7d44\u66f2\u300c\u5bbf\u547d\u300dRAMPO \u5b8c\u5168\u30f4\u30a1\u30fc\u30b8\u30e7\u30f3\u300c\u604b\u306e\u6642\u9593\u300d\u30aa\u30ea\u30b8\u30ca\u30eb\u30fb\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30afNHK\u30a2\u30cb\u30e1\u5287\u5834\u300c\u96ea\u306e\u5973\u738b\u300d<\u30aa\u30ea\u30b8\u30ca\u30eb\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30af>\u30df\u30e9\u30fc\u3092\u62ed\u304f\u7537 \u30aa\u30ea\u30b8\u30ca\u30eb\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30af\u6620\u753b\u300c\u30af\u30e9\u30c3\u30b7\u30e5\u300d\u30aa\u30ea\u30b8\u30ca\u30eb\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30af\u5a5a\u5916\u604b\u611b~ \u2015 \u30aa\u30ea\u30b8\u30ca\u30eb\u30fb\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30afNHK\u9023\u7d9aTV\u5c0f\u8aac : \u307b\u3093\u307e\u3082\u3093 \u2015 \u30aa\u30ea\u30b8\u30ca\u30eb\u30fb\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30af\u5343\u91cc\u773c\u7f8e\u3057\u3044\u4eba\u30bf\u30a4\u30e0\u30fb\u30ea\u30fc\u30d7\u8056\u8005\u306e\u884c\u9032\u9ad8\u6821\u6559\u5e2b~\u7981\u65ad\u306e\u611b\u3068\u77e5\u3089\u305a\u306bThe Most Relaxing Feel\u30d5\u30a3\u30fc\u30eb\u30fb\u30d9\u30b9\u30c8~the most relaxing~feel best\u30d5\u30a3\u30fc\u30eb\u30fb\u30d4\u30a2\u30ce","featuredImage":"https:\/\/assets.allamericanmusic.com\/images\/183266_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Trevor Morris
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Trevor Morris

Trevor Morris (born 25 May 1970) is a Canadian orchestral composer, music producer, and creator of e...

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{"key":"39411","name":"Trevor Morris","bio":"Trevor Morris (born 25 May 1970) is a Canadian orchestral composer, music producer, and creator of electronic music. He is probably best known for the soundtracks of the television shows \"The Tudors\", \"The Pillars of the Earth\", \"The Borgias\", \"Vikings\", and the film \"Olympus Has Fallen\".Trevor was born in London, Ontario, Canada. He was helped by his grandmother onto the piano bench before he could walk, she sat him in her lap and played \"Puff the magic dragon\" (a melody Trevor still does variations on in his compositions). After being introduced to music by his Grandmother, Trevor's parents enrolled him in St. Mary's elementary school for the arts at age 5. Studying choir, violin and contrabass throughout, Trevor also gravitated toward the piano, which he began studying privately in tandem.In grade 8, Trevor was approached by his school for a commissioned composition: a piece for his graduating class to sing for the coinciding visit of Pope John Paul to Ontario Canada. Unfortunately security did not allow for the class to sing live for the Pope, but they did perform Trevor's first composition at their graduation ceremonies, held at St.Mary's cathedral. Composed for 4 part choir and piano, \"Sacred young people\", a variation on a literal theme of the Pope's, was performed and recorded by Trevor's graduating class. It represented the first step down the path that Trevor would follow from that point on.High school and ultimately college led Trevor toward the recording arts, gaining a degree in Recording Engineering from Canada's top school, Music Industry Arts. He graduated top of his class being awarded the prestigious \"most promising engineer \/ producer\". Graduation from College led him immediately to Toronto, home of Canada's largest community of composers, producers, engineers and musicians.With production, recording and the recording studio becoming Trevor's focus, 10 years spent in the Toronto community saw Trevor's rise through the ranks of the largest recording studio in Toronto and various top commercial production houses. This path led Trevor back to his original true love, composition. Exposed to the enriched scene of commercial production, there isn't a top music house, ad agency or studio Trevor didn't write for.The desire to have a longer medium in which to speak musically, steered Trevor toward Television and Film work. After a few small independent features and his first network 1 hour drama, it was evident the he had found his life's work, writing music to picture.While still in Toronto, Trevor got accepted to the prestigious ASCAP scoring workshop in Los Angeles. Deep in work on his first dramatic television series, he flew down to LA and back home again 4 days every week for over a month in order to attend. With his exposure to the film scoring community, and the opportunity to compose and conduct the \"L.A. All-Stars\" orchestra, the decision to move to Los Angeles followed shortly.The year 2000 saw not only a Millennium change, but a trans-continental change as well, Trevor Moved to Hollywood. Trevor immediately found freelance work doing music for \"E! True Hollywood Story\" as well as network promotional music for \"Just Shoot Me\" and \"King of Queens\". But ultimately it was his engineering roots and production background that would bring him in touch with one of his musical idols, James Newton Howard. Trevor assisted James on a few films, supporting him in orchestra preparation and pre-records.It was shortly there after, that Trevor connected with what would his most fruitful musical friend, Hans Zimmer. Trevor spent 2 and a half years working closely was Hans as studio designer, engineer, orchestra wrangler, technical supervision, producer and co-composer for Hans. They collaborated in this capacity on such films as \"Black Hawk Down\", \"Shark Tale\", \"The Last Samurai\", \"Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 2\" and \"The Ring 1 and 2\". Many trips to the scoring stages of Los Angeles, and London England would follow, allowing Trevor to compose, produce and conduct the best players in the world on Feature Film and Television work for both Hans and Trevor's own projects.Trevor currently lives and works in west Los Angeles, and shares studio space with Hans Zimmer at his state of the art Remote Control Facility.He won the prime time EMMY award for Outstanding Main Title Theme music for his work on \"The Tudors\" in 2007.Official webiste: http:\/\/www.trevormorris.com","featuredImage":"https:\/\/assets.allamericanmusic.com\/images\/39411_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Javier Navarrete
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Javier Navarrete

Javier Navarrete (born 1956 in Teruel, Spain) is a Spanish film composer, best known for composing t...

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{"key":"4754","name":"Javier Navarrete","bio":"Javier Navarrete (born 1956 in Teruel, Spain) is a Spanish film composer, best known for composing the score to Pan's Labyrinth (El Laberinto del Fauno, 2006). Javier built the entire soundtrack around a simple lullaby tune heard in the film. The score also got him an Academy Award nomination.Javier's first known composition was for a short movie 'Mayumea' in 1986. Navarrete also has composed the scores for Whore, Tras el cristal, Dot the i, along with various other Spanish films. His other noticeable scores include 2009's Cracks, 2012's Byzantium and the U.S productions, Mirrors, Wrath Of The Titans and Inkheart. His score for the HBO film Hemingway & Gellhorn won him an Emmy Award.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/assets.allamericanmusic.com\/images\/4754_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Garry Schyman
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Garry Schyman

With incredible talent, versatility and experience, it is not surprising that composer Garry Schyman...

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{"key":"39326","name":"Garry Schyman","bio":"With incredible talent, versatility and experience, it is not surprising that composer Garry Schyman has become an established name in film, television and video gaming circles. Critically acclaimed, multi-award winning, and with credits ranging from cult TV shows to platinum selling games and feature films, Schyman deserves his reputation for being one of the most eclectic and gifted composers in the business.Schyman realized his affection for music at the age of 12 and was quick to commandeer the family piano, which had originally been a birthday gift for his older brother. By playing and internalizing the great composers from the early 20th century, Schyman's love of music flourished and eventually led him on to graduate from the University of Southern California with a degree in Music Composition. After USC, Schyman studied under the tutelage of the great 12-tone composer and teacher George Tremblay. This exposure would provide Schyman with the foundation on which to base his unique and incredibly successful career in composition.Among his most famous early scores is his work on cult TV classics such as: The A-Team, Magnum P.I. and The Greatest American Hero. He went on to score one of the most interesting and innovative video games from the early 1990's, Voyeur for which his groundbreaking orchestral music received an award for \"Best Original Game Score\".His successful and lasting partnership with Von Zerneck-Sertner Films on the series of television movies adapted from author Robin Cook's medical mysteries, along with his many scores for television movies and series ensures Schyman's position within the top ranks of TV composers.In addition to a long and established career, Schyman continues to write purely for the love of music, including his well-received viola concerto \"Zingaro\".Schyman's recent work includes the critically acclaimed original score to THQ's\/Pandemic Studios blockbuster videogame hit; Destroy All Humans! (nominated for three G.A.N.G awards including \"Music of the Year\"), as well as his latest scores Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers and Destroy All Humans 2 for THQ's\/Pandemic Studios. He is currently scoring the groundbreaking new \"next-gen\" videogame BioShock for 2k\/Irrational Games.Schyman is a long time resident of the Los Angeles area where he lives and works with his wife Lisa and 5-year-old son Ethan.http:\/\/www.garryschyman.com\/","featuredImage":"https:\/\/assets.allamericanmusic.com\/images\/39326_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
The Section Quartet
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The Section Quartet

The Section Quartet was formed on the principles of rock & roll: musicians challenging the establish...

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{"key":"4797","name":"The Section Quartet","bio":"The Section Quartet was formed on the principles of rock & roll: musicians challenging the establishment by knocking down the walls dividing two genres of music. With their kinetic arrangements, eclectic repertoire, and bold performance style, the worlds of classical and rock collide with spectacular results.In 1998, The Section Quartet emerged in Los Angeles as a recording entity with a dual purpose: to function as a string \u201csection\u201d on other artists\u2019 records, and to take the rock string quartet to the highest level. Unlike other cross-genre groups, TSQ remains dedicated to original interpretations of the enduring rock compositions.The Section Quartet\u2019s rock & pop sensibilities have led to studio and stage collaborations with music\u2019s top artists and producers\u2014from Wilco and Christina Aguilera to A Perfect Circle and David Bowie. The quartet has also recorded\/performed with Jon Brion, Kelly Clarkson, Grant-Lee Phillips, Sam Phillips, Tenacious D with Dave Grohl, Fiona Apple, James Blunt, Pink, Wes Borland, Rick Springfield, Finch, Tesla, Al Stewart, Ryan Adams, Enrique Iglesias, Greg Dulli, The Zombies and Peter Case.Producers such as Linda Perry,Jon Brion, Bill Bottrell, Tony Berg, Danny Lohner, David Bianco, Tom Rothrock, T Bone Burnett, Trina Shoemaker and Nick Launay regularly call on TSQ to add strings to their productions.Individually established classical players in their own right, members of The Section Quartet have distinguished themselves with hard-driving rock & pop credentials. Before founding TSQ, string arranger\/violinist Eric Gorfain performed with Jimmy Page & Robert Plant on their \"Unledded Tour\"; Gorfain has also recorded with Live and Eric Clapton. Violinist\/arranger Daphne Chen has toured as a member of Quetzal, soloed with Los Lobos and Little Feat and recorded with Better Than Ezra and Ray Charles. Richard Dodd has played cello onstage and in the studio with The Bangles, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Smashing Pumpkins. And Leah Katz has contributed her viola expertise to Eve 6, Dishwalla, Destiny\u2019s Child and Stevie Wonder.Having built a reputation for their innovative, self-arranged renditions of Radiohead\u2019s OK Computer and Pink Floyd\u2019s Dark Side of the Moon, The Section Quartet were coaxed on to the live stage in 2002. Minutes after seeing TSQ perform at the renowned LA club Largo, Goldenvoice\u2019s festival mastermind Paul Tollett offered them two spots in the 2004 Coachella Music Festival lineup.In concert, The Section Quartet plugs in and delivers their infectiously dynamic ensemble and rock solid rhythm. On more than one occasion, audience members have been spotted playing along on \u201cair violin\u201d.TSQ is constantly adding new material to their live show and discography: songs by Led Zeppelin, Jeff Buckley, Tool, The Clash, Green Day, KISS, Ima Robot, Muse and dozens of others. In 2004, TSQ independently released No Electricity Required to rave reviews.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/assets.allamericanmusic.com\/images\/4797_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
Zack Hemsey
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Zack Hemsey

Always looking to break the mold, Zack Hemsey is a creator by nature. From composing film score to ...

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{"key":"39447","name":"Zack Hemsey","bio":"Always looking to break the mold, Zack Hemsey is a creator by nature. From composing film score to writing candy companies with suggestive prose on how to improve their products, he has a thirst for things that inspire and move. Blending the sound of the orchestra with modern elements and ethnic instrumentation, there is a definite intensity in his music. He is perhaps most renowned for his signature sound as the composer \/ lyricist in the hip-hop collective Nine Leaves.After releasing two albums under Nine Leaves, his first solo work, entitled \"Empty Room,\" releases May 2010.Musically, \"Empty Room\" is a mix of film score, world instrumentation, and hip-hop; while lyrically a blend of storytelling and self-reflection; the album carves for itself a sonically unique identity. Exposing the listener to tragedy and the artist\u2019s own vulnerabilities, this is by far the most emotional album yet from Zack Hemsey.","featuredImage":"https:\/\/assets.allamericanmusic.com\/images\/39447_h_0.jpg","feeRange":"please contact"}
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